40 year old patient with hepatic encephalopathy

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box

 40 year old male patient , resident of ongole came to causality with chief complaints of :

Generalised weakness , excessive sleepiness and fever since 2 days.

History of presenting illness: 

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 10 years back . 

Then he started drinking alcohol 90 ml everyday and smoking 1 pack / day

He was admitted to deaddiction centre in our hospital 5 years back for 40 days and then got discharged. He refrained from alcohol for 5-6 months but then started drinking again.

At present he has been drinking 540-720 ml/ day and 2 pack of cigarettes everyday 

He came to get admit in deaddiction centre on March 3rd.

2 days back he developed generalised weakness and excessive sleeping, fever.Fever is of low grade , intermittent not associated with chills and rigors.

He had 6-8 episode of seizures in past 10 years inspite of being on medication.

Not a known case of DM, HTN ,CAD ,TB , asthma .

Personal history:

Appetite- Decreased 

Diet - Mixed 

Bladder movements- yellow coloured urine 

Bowel - pale coloured stools 

Sleep - increased 

Addictions - Alcohol and smoking since 10 years 

Family history: 


General examination:

Patient is drowsy but arousable.

Icterus - Present 

Cyanosis- absent

Clubbing- absent 

Lymphadenopathy- absent

Edema- absent

Vitals : temp - febrile 

            Pulse - 82bpm

            BP - 120/80

            RR - 18cpm


Cvs : s1 s2 +

Rs : BAE +

P/A: soft , non tender 

Hepatomegaly +

Flapping Tremors.  


CBP - 

HB - 11.4

TLC - 7300

platelet count- 1.5 lakh

Smear - Normocytic normochromic

BGT : A + ( positive) 

APTT :36 sec

PT : 17 sec

INR: 1.2 sec

RBS : 101 mg/dl


Total bilirubin : 6.77

Direct bilirubin: 2.98

SGOT: 157

SGPT: 25

ALP : 507



RFT : 

Urea -13

creatinine- 0.6

Uric acid - 3.9

calcium- 10.2

Phosphorus- 4.0

potassium - 3.9

Sodium -136


HbsAg - Negative

USG ABDOMEN  ( 7/3/22) : 

Grade 3 fatty liver with mild hepatomegaly with mild caudate lobe hypertrophy

Mild splenomegaly with early parenchymal licer disease



Decompensated liver disease with alcohol dependence syndrome ( ? Cirrhosis with portal hypertension )


 Inj. Pantop 40 mg iv /od

Inj thiamine 1 amp il

Inj zofer 4 mg iv / ns 

Syrup lactulose 10 ml / po / bd

Tab rifaximin 540 mg / po/ bd

Soap water enema stat

Tab udiliv 300 mg / po / bd

Tab aldactone 25 mg /po /bd

Tab lasix 20 mg /po/ bd 

Tab benxl /po/od

Mcotex gums 

Tab levittacetam 500 mg /po/bd


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